Conscious Earth Alliance

"You are never alone or helpless. The force that guides the stars guides you too."

hands around the earth

Conscious Earth Alliance

represents an effort to unite ethical people

who wish to bring positive social change at this critical time.

Existing models of society are crumbling.
Conscious Earth Alliance
aims to unite good-hearted people who wish to build wholistic societies that nurture all life.
With personal self-development at its core, we are finding ways to build thriving communities.
Our aim is to create an open platform to share knowledge, inspiration and best practices that empower integrated change.
A wave of united strength is sweeping the Earth, join us!

Conscious Earth Alliance
warmly invites you to our Online Conferences.

“Without a doubt, the era of materialistic domination of society is near an end. The new era is fast approaching.
The first rays of humanity’s bright new dawn are already starting to illuminate the eastern horizon”

R. Gauthier, PhD           

The views expressed by invited speakers do not necessarily reflect the views of Conscious Earth Alliance.


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Online Conference: Saturday 11th June 2022

13.00 CEST, 12.00 BST, 11.00 UTC, 07.00 EDT USA

Transitioning beyond Capitalism Part 2


Times are in CEST (Paris) timezone

Saturday June 11 2022 13:00 – 18:15 CEST
Start Length (Minutes) End  
13:00 15 13:15 Welcome and Introduction
13:15 80 14:35 Jayanta Kumar presents Part 2 of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s Ideal System of Government. The topic is discussed from the historical, ideological and administrative viewpoints
14:35 10 14:45 Break
14:45 60 15:45 Ravishekharananda presents on “The escalating crisis of capitalism throughout the twentieth century and the forces that impact on our current world situation.”
15:45 10 15:55 Break
15:55 45 16:40 Radha Cohen explores “How Prout is expanding the idea of resources beyond mere economics, to include the subtle and very subtle”
16:40 10 16:50 Break
16:50 60 17:50 Dr Ravi Batra presents on “The current situation of capitalism and ways PROUT can get implemented”
17:50 25 18:15 Closing

Welcome to our third online Prout Conference.  

Capitalism is in serious crisis, with spiraling government and private debt, enormous wealth concentration in a few hands, stock markets propped up by central banks, escalating unemployment, inflation, environmental degradation and deepening corruption. When capitalism reaches this level of dysfunction, war is typically not far behind – and war, indeed, is what we’re now seeing in Europe. 

Today, more than ever, a growing body of people are realising that capitalism is beyond reform and repair – and systemic change is now necessary. While Marxism may have looked good in theory, it, too, proved a dismal failure in the practical world.  

Now, more than ever, clear, robust alternatives to capitalism and communism are essential. It is this situation that prompted P.R. Sarkar to develop the Progressive Utilisation Theory or PROUT – a holistic set of dynamic principles which can be applied by communities and nations to effect balanced, integrated development, free from local and foreign exploitation. Noam Chomsky had this to say: “Prout’s cooperative model, based on sharing the planet’s resources for the welfare of everyone, deserves our serious consideration.”

In this online conference we will focus on several aspects of Progressive Utilisation Theory. 

Our presenters look at: 

  1. What is Prout’s ideal form of government? This is discussed from historical, ideological and administrative viewpoints. 
  2. How Prout is expanding the idea of resources beyond the physical to include the subtle and very subtle: the supramundane, the metaphysical and the spiritual potentialities of the individual and the collective body.
  3. The current world situation and why capitalist nations are moving towards totalitarian control: what is unfolding, from where it comes and how to change it.


To Register for the Transitioning beyond Capitalism Part 2 – 1 day conference:

  1. Register your email address in the registration form below

  2. You will receive an email from Conscious Earth Alliance

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